
May you rest in peace...

Frankly speaking, Jimmy, I didn't know you well.  We met in 1983 when we 1st moved to US.  I knew only that you were Fannie's husband, and Fannie is my mom's friend.  My family was invited to your house for several party and dinner occasions.  Other than that, I don't have much memory of you.

Your old classmates from every grade talked so much goodness of you which we (i.e. Fannie's friends and all relatives) weren't familiar with.  But, I did have something to say to you which wasn't a big of deal to speak to the public at the grave site.

I had a nice talk w/ you on 5/29 at Brendan's wedding reception in OC.  We eneded up talking about books and how proud you were of your new library/office.  Based on your suggestion, I got a book which I thought I could discuss w/ you later.  Well, this later will never come.

May you rest in peace.

Jimmy, 說真的,我其實跟你不熟. 1983我們搬到美國跟Fannie成為朋友後才跟你認識的, Fannie好客, 所以常在你家裡宴客的場合見到你.

你各個求學過程的同學讚美你的個性, 因為我不了解你, 所以就當作再次認識你吧. 在送你最後一程時, 其實是有件是想告訴你, 不過不是什麼大不了的事, 覺得沒有必要在大家面前宣揚. 最後一次見到你是在Brendan的婚宴上, 最後聊到書上去了, 可以感覺到你對你的新圖書室/辦公室很滿意, 還邀我下次有機會去看看, 這個下次卻消失了. 想告訴你的是, 我買了 一本你建議的書"閱微草堂筆記", 原本還想說以後有機會再跟你討論心得, 看來這個以後也不見了.



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