
Since there is no hope to move out of this apartment, I want to make the best out of it. The only way I knew how was to get rid of the old furnitures.

1st things to get rid of were sofa and its bulky coffee table which turned into a junk yard that we kept piling papers (magzines, documents, etc.) and misc. stuff on it. I also found the dining table (sits 6 people) took too much space, whose 2 sides had been wasted. I had my eyes on an expandible dining table from Ikea. It's a 4-people square table w/ 2 more seats after expanded. After a couple of visits to Ikea, we decided to get all 3 pieces from Ikea.

I remember used to jokingly admire an ex-coworker who got a lot of her furnitures from Ikea 15+ yrs ago, which I thought would be expensive. That was before I ever heard of Ikea. Now I understand why she shopped there. W/ the prices I don't think I'd care when their time is up, except the trouble of moving them out of 2F apartment.

Somehow Rajiv found out Ikea has this promotion of eating free w/ discount applied toward home furnishings.  Hmm...what are considered home furnishings?!!! Isn't Ikea a home furnishings store?! We went yesterday and had an all-you-can-eat like buffet. We spent $450+ on furnitures and $50 on food => $400 at the end. Today we will go again to "enjoy" its free food and purchase our last piece of furniture, for now.

I also unmounted all the ugly, black, stone-age and uesless speakers Rajiv mounted on the white walls for yrs. W/ white sofa and beige coffee table, the whole living room opens up! After getting dining table tonight and relocating a black shelf to dining area, the living room will be even more spacious. Can't wait~

既然搬不出去,只好在逆境中找轉機。醞釀已久的"換家具"終於在這個周末動工了: 換沙發、茶几、餐桌,連Rajiv釘在牆上那又黑又醜又大又不搭調且過時又沒用的喇叭也一起給卸了,換上白色沙發與淡木色的茶几,讓白色牆的客廳頓時明亮了起來。等今晚換上餐桌,把那黑色的架子搬到餐"廳",就能擴大客廳的空間了。等這一刻等很久了。

在聽說過Ikea前(十多年前了),曾驚訝同事能大手筆換家具,她一直強調沒有我們想像的貴,因為在Ikea買的。現在我懂了,這樣的價格,不用等到壽終正寢,我應該不會太綁手綁腳把它們給換掉。Rajiv更厲害,居然知道Ikea最近有個優惠,在它的餐廳用餐的費用可以與當天購買的家飾抵扣。家飾? Ikea不就是家飾店嗎? 所以所有東西都可以嗎? 還好這不影響我們,反正我們的確是買家具。



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