目前分類:牢騷 (2)

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Since there is no hope to move out of this apartment, I want to make the best out of it. The only way I knew how was to get rid of the old furnitures.

1st things to get rid of were sofa and its bulky coffee table which turned into a junk yard that we kept piling papers (magzines, documents, etc.) and misc. stuff on it. I also found the dining table (sits 6 people) took too much space, whose 2 sides had been wasted. I had my eyes on an expandible dining table from Ikea. It's a 4-people square table w/ 2 more seats after expanded. After a couple of visits to Ikea, we decided to get all 3 pieces from Ikea.

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前兩天,水管早上醒來發現肚子結冰,算了,不澆水了。今年(2012迄今)沒有整理樓下那小小小菜園,也就沒種東西。之前遺留下來的種籽不希望原本茂盛的小菜園荒蕪,自行冒芽點綴。就這樣,青椒(bell pepper)、青葱、蕃茄、馬玲薯在那自由行。但是上次的強風豪雨,把蕃茄推翻,就一直奄奄一息;青椒被鄰居的小蕃茄茂盛的枝葉淹(已到"淹沒"的地步)蓋到讓人放棄;青葱常開花,害我要常剪、常丟;馬玲薯開心的待在那,可是我一點也不想去harvest,因為我對馬玲薯冷感。這兩天的凍氣把灌木生青椒和蕃茄折磨不成樣,一直告訴自己,今年春天一定要來整頓那臥虎藏龍的小小小菜園,再說吧,看到時有多懶吧~

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