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If not counting last April's 1 wk visit, it had been 2 yrs since my last visit of Taiwan. Luckily, kind of, it has been raining since we arrived.

I always love rain, which I believe was built up by living thru 15 Taiwan's hot summers. This summer, well, should be summer now, Taiwan, especially southern Taiwan is still very cool due to the continuous pouring rain.  A lot of places are flooded, and much mountain area has mud slides.  Very scary to watch even on news. Moreover, a typhoon is on its path to Taiwan.

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2010xmas-1 2010xmas-1greeting_letter20103.pnggreeting_letter20104.pnggreeting_letter20105.png

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May you rest in peace...

Frankly speaking, Jimmy, I didn't know you well.  We met in 1983 when we 1st moved to US.  I knew only that you were Fannie's husband, and Fannie is my mom's friend.  My family was invited to your house for several party and dinner occasions.  Other than that, I don't have much memory of you.

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兩年前的一個念頭   一年前開始籌備  今年完成  結束後反而奇怪怎麼辦完的

去年是公婆的五十週年慶  前年跟Rajiv提醒  順便告訴Rajiv我今年想要幫我爸媽辦個五十週年慶  也就一直提醒他  至少要幫他爸媽拍個全家福什麼的  他無動於衷  這或許是兒子與女兒的不同處吧  我甚至建議他跟小叔商量  他是有跟小叔提了一下  但不積極  所以去年到公婆那  什麼也沒準備  小叔也是好像夢醒了匆匆忙忙臨時要大家準備衣服照全家福  照相的前一天才去買衣服  photo studio很不專業  雖然建議服飾的色系  在studio裡也沒有提醒大家儀容整理  居然還要Priya把頭髮放下來   唉  居然是每年都幫小叔全家照相的人  選片時  沒有一張合我的意  從沒見過那麼醜的我  小孩也不自然 選不下去  讓Rajiv自己去選吧

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這是個很有趣的現象    當然    也要有心才會有罪惡感    所以這個現象發生在我跟Rajiv身上

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  • May 18 Tue 2010 09:19
  • 上癮

唉 上癮

之前一直抗拒facebook    但是不少朋友一直"邀請"去看他們的近況跟照片    在覺得"收集"夠多因素(朋友)後    決定加入facebook的行列    對自己說    我只是去看朋友的近況    不做別的   也不會跟進流行而把照片什麼的放上去    加入多久了?    放了一些許的照片    也跟大家在裡頭留下近況    跟大家嘻笑怒罵生活中的點滴    不知何時    跟著玩起Restaurant City    從原本不知怎麼玩法的笨鳥    如今到處去"打掃" "賺錢"    哈烹煮原料    拼命進階擴張店面增加員工    漸漸的    在RC裡已經不是花個十分鐘檢查一下而已    除了到各個朋友店中"打工"賺錢    居然就把RC的window留著    以便我每一兩分鐘就轉換過去看看    好可怕喔    原來上癮是這麼可怕的事    尤其是電玩    我就坐在電腦前面    浪費時間    浪費生命    該做的事都沒做(因為沒"空")    雖然明知    卻深拔不起    唯一慶幸的是    我還沒到願意花真錢去玩 這算是好的嗎?

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因為是婆婆    一直以來 對她只知道用錢來展現對孫子女的愛    睜一隻眼閉一隻眼    如今    必須是介入禁止的時候了

Anju越來越不把錢當錢  當然她知道錢能買東西  買她想要的東西  但是  她不知道錢是辛苦賺來的  對她而言  婆婆誇張的給錢方式已經讓Anju以為錢是free  自己會長出來似的  老是說就拿錢去怎樣怎樣   因為她"很有錢"   對錢不見了不會心疼   錢花在哪裡也不重要

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Feb 17, 2010 (Wed)

或許該先查一下黃曆  今天是否宜外出 

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好忙 好煩 好無聊

忙小孩的衣食住行+課後活動+作業+林林種種    忙做家事 忙照顧幾盆花草一小片地    忙復原    忙跟朋友聯繫

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A foodlover is suffocated...

我發現     要謀殺一個美食者是多容易的一件事    把他軟禁兩個星期    冰箱裡冰著提不起他的胃口卻又能吃飽的食物    可是只要一動任何一項    下一餐就會自動加倍    而且被迫食用

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Man!  I had a great doubt of the necessity of the knee surgery.

It has been more than a month since the surgery.  Full anethesia was a horiible experience.  I woke up w/ nausea and the rest of of day in & out of consciousness.  It has been a month since that experience, but my knee doesn't seem to do better.  I am on physical therapy for 12x, as per doctor's prescription.  My knee is either still swallen or something wrong w/ it!

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MRI found I tore my outer ligament/meniscus which takes a "simple" arthroscopic surgery to clean the debris and torn fiber and drain fluid.  But, it requires full anesthesia.  Why?  Well, it is how every place does it.  So, just follow the trend then.

The surgery is scheduled in a little more than wk from now and will last 1-1/2 hrs.  Hmmm...  Since I will be gas-ed, no driving afterwords.  Otherwise, I will be driving under the influence of abuse substance.   Then, what?  It will take 4~8 wks to recover after rehab?  Hopefully I will be able to make it to play badminton w/ the gang in December if...

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種過番茄     也是爬藤類植物     想說絲瓜也是爬藤類    索爬的習性應該差不多才是
唉    還真不怎麼一樣    終於了解為何有絲瓜棚一詞

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It has been too long since my last badminton injury...high school?  It was always my angle.  1st time on knee.

I literally felt one bone landing on another when I landed on my left foot.  Immediately I saw a little popping out on the outside of left knee.  I thought I could just shake it off.  Well, 5 sec later, I felt the great pain on the popping and had to quit the game.  I had difficulty to walk back to the bench.

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Wow!  School finally started.  Anju and Akash are in same school from now on for 3 yrs before Anju will head to middle school.  I thought getting up at 7:20AM would give me plenty of time to get everyone and everything ready for 1st day of school.  Well, I didn't calculate in my mind after it was shut off for the whole summer.  This morning was like a war zone w/ chief commandor kinda got lost.

A dear friend told me once that it is good to go back to routine.  I didn't understand this statement until now.  I never knew I would ever look forward to routine life which grants me time to workout!  I finally can workout!  Man!  Although I have to give up belly dance lesson and put aside badminton class for at least 1 semester (maybe a yr!), at least I can still attend the gym (hopefully) twice or 3 times a wk!

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Kristen, the librarian, is such a sweet heart.  She kept asking me to attend the volunteer apprecation breakfast this morning wks ago.  She even confirmed w/ me this Monday at my volunteering time.  I told her I would be there after dropping off Anju.  I even put this information on IM mesg.  I told people about it.  It was on my calendar.  And, what happened?

Somehow Anju finished her morning routine fast, so I got to drop her off early this morning.  I didn't even change out of my pajamas.  Kissed Anju and told her we will be at her hip hop dance recital this afternoon.  Weird thing was the parking lot was full, which was too early for the day.  I got home and ck'ed my email.  When I opened up one of IM's, I saw the personalized mesg I posted..."volunteer appreciation breakfast at 7:30AM...must be joking".  Oh, sh*t!  I was already home, and it was 8:16AM.  I wrote an email to Kristen to apologize.

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I am an aggressive driver?!

Rajiv was holding the handhold when I drove.  I couldn't resist but to ask him if he was nervous.  Yes!  Why?!  He said I was (am, too?) an aggressive driver!!!!!  Moi!  For real!?  I'd better do some survey.  But I don't have many people in my car besides Anju and Akash, and they LOVE my driving.  hmmm...

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The part (elbow) had most pain is at its minimum today, while the least painful part (side hip) turns out to be the worst.  But, its bruise is so unreganizable!  My god!  It really hurts.  Not just that, my left shoulder also starts to feel the impact it had w/ the ground.  What a #@*&!  I know my elbow and left knee will soon be pain free.  But, I am not sure about the hip.  I couldn't move too much at today's belly dance class, same as the shoulder.  Well, it doesn't matter, that I will still go work out tomorrow.  It has been so loooooooong since last workout.  Somehow I miss it.  That's good, I think.

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